Cavern 10
Cavern 10
This cavern is very unusual, with a sinuous series of passages.
The vertical height would be interesting at more than 300 ft, but measuring this one is pretty complex, an if we assume the passage to be about 3ft wide, the cavern's total vertical height measures out at 159 ft.
Perhaps this is volcanic tunnels?
This has been edited for clarity, and has a background added.
This version is not a cavern, but rather a rather heinous pitch to be climbed.
In lieu of one climbing roll as per usual, this pitch has rules attached.
It has a scale and the clear route is in red. Crossing black makes the climber make two checks, and changing direction at any X requires a roll. All this atop the normal roll for a straight path.
It is suggested that resting points or treasure be placed in the downturn dead ends, to make a reason for he player to investigate/create camps partway through the climb, or perhaps pull someone else to start at an easier point of the climb.
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