Lamentations of the Flame Princess Potion List
These are all the spells in Lamentations of the Flame Princess that can be made into potions. See page 81 of Rules and Magic for details on how potions can be made. Lots of help with this came from Simon over at Professional NPC ! ALPHABETICALLY Army of One Audible Glamour Bestow Spell Ability Bookspeak Change Self Charm Monster Charm Person Clairvoyance Comprehend Languages Contact Outer Sphere Contingency Cure Critical Wounds* Cure Disease*, Cure Light Wounds* Cure Serious Wounds* Delay Poison Detect Illusion Detect Invisible Detect Magic Duo-Dimension ESP Enlarge Faerie Fire False Alignment Feather Fall Feeblemind Fly Force of Forbidment Forget Gaseous Form Glass Eye Haste* Heal Howl of the Moon Imprisonment* Invisibility Invisibility Improved Legend Lore Levitate Light* Light, Continual* Lucubration Magic Sword Maze Message Mind Blank Mirror Image Neutralize Poison* Passwall Polymorph Self/Others Protection From Normal Missiles Protection From Normal Weapons Shape Chan...