Room 136


136- Ear Plinth

The door to the top east of this chamber is locked, to the bottom east, the door is barely open.

Both doors are made of cherry wood painted yellow-orange, with bronze doorknobs.

The room is decorated with murals – murals depicting events with musicians present, and in the center of the room, atop a small white marble plinth, is an ear – a human ear – about six times the normal size.

It listens.

It really likes to listen to music – and good music being played will make the ear waggle.

There is a small bench with a compartment opening – it is filled with sheet music for violin and flute.

Sitting on a small stand is a bow and violin – and on a small table are two flutes.

If anyone searches, there is a hole below one of the murals, and someone has stashed a couple small pieces of blue chalk – this chalk, when used to create lines, cannot be crossed by anything that walks on two feet.

The room is roughly 15X20 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

